
"In the world through which I travel, I am endlessly creating myself." -Anonymous

Friday, March 4, 2011

Blessing and a Burden....Egyptian Revolution and changes in the Arab World

I was blessed, but also burdened to have left Egypt only two weeks before the revolution (for change) had begun.  When I was there, you could feel the tension rising in the air.  Without even speaking a word of Arabic, I understood the general sentiments and dissatisfaction of the people.  The Egyptian people were clearly ready for change.  I realized that something was going on when I was on the bus on the way to Dahab; only one day after the church bombing in Alexandria, Egypt.  At every stop the bus made, there was a strange roaring sensation, civil unrest echoing onto the bus from the mouths of many shouting youth.  As I said, I did not have to understand Arabic to comprehend this sentiment.  Something was strirring.

Only two weeks later, every new channel in the world was talking about the Revolution in Egypt, Mubarak's unwillingness to speak the truth to his people, and the Egyptian people's untiring shouts to the world.  What people fail to realize is that this revolution in Egypt, along with the others in North Africa, have been a long time coming; and necessary.  People want and deserve change.  The current plight of North Africa reminds me of Frantz Fanon's Wretched of the Earth (everyone should read this book to better understand humanity).  In this book, Fanon talks about imperialism, colonization, and violence, and their effects on societies.  The general idea is that violence breeds violence; change is never easy.

The North African Revolution did not only happen in Egypt, but first in Tunisia, then later Yemen, Bahrain, Libya.....and spreading!
The bottom line is: everyone should pay more attention! Stay informed!
For everyone's information:


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