
"In the world through which I travel, I am endlessly creating myself." -Anonymous

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Feelings and Fusion

Well people, here I am! I know you all missed me dearly, and I am sorry about the hiatus again.  I have been busy busy around here, planning out my future and such. After a much needed 2 week vacation with mi amor in Madrid and Mallorca, my mind is scattered in a million places.  Before the break I was essentially burnt out! Everything, and I mean literally everything was driving me nuts; my students, my roommates, this never ending job hunt, etc. Crazy town!

Last term was marked by many realizations and epiphany moments about my school and other life trials.  I love teaching and I love my students (most of the time) but I would NOT do this forever! Teaching requires A LOT of patience; which I have acquired much of these last 8 months.  Teachers should REALLY get paid more,because it is my belief that they do much of the work that parents left undone in the home. I have realized that, especially in Spain, there is a general lack of knowledge of proper conduct, everyday study skills, and other such things that one would think is taught in the home. Teachers unknowingly take on this huge responsibility of not only educating youth, but teaching students life skills as well.  Sometimes I feel like a signed up to be a police officer, rather than a teacher. But with that said, I have learned a lot from my students and their frivolous behavior; patience being the main lesson. I have discovered skills that I did not know I had myself, through classroom management and thinking of innovative ways to teach my students both academically and personally.  Needless to say, after a few deep breathes, I survived.

Teaching in Madrid has also helped me to put into perspective my career goals, which remain the same; international everything! I know now that I do not have to always physically be abroad to work in international affairs; I can work from home turf just as effectively.  Also, the nerd in me has intensified, and I am more eager than ever to delve into the challenges that grad school will bring! My Master's will be in International Affairs with a concentration in Human Rights in Democracy, and possibly a dual degree in International Journalism if I'm feeling gutsy by then ;-).  At one point, after working within such a backwards school system, I toyed with the idea of going into International Education Policy.....then I woke up, no thanks.

After spending two years living abroad, studying in Sevilla and working in Madrid, I have come to the conclusion that my ideal world would be a fusion of Spanish and American living.  I used to feel biased toward Spain, as I was and still am so in love with it; but I now realize that every country has its flaws.  The States is an extremely consumerist society, focused on quantity and size and material gain.  I truly wish that we could adapt some of the Europeans less wasteful habits, but I know in my heart that this will NEVER happen.  I wish would could hang clothes outside on a clothes line so that they could smell like the fresh spring breeze, and use much less energy than a dryer.  I wish would would walk more, instead of constantly depending on environment polluting cars to get us everywhere. In Spain we walk to get places, and simply for pure leisure.  I wish Americans were not so focused on big body, gas-guzzling cars; in Spain all of the cars are pretty small but get the same job done.  And for God's sake, I REALLY wish the States would get hip to MORE fresh foods and fruit and veggie markets! We would live much longer if we didn't stuff our fat asses full of packaged and bagged and artificial junk!!!

On the other hand, I wish Spain would get with the program sometimes in terms of efficiency and customer service, and realize that not everyone has time to wait 3 hours to open a bank account! I wish Spain realized that maybe sometimes, someone, somewhere may want to venture out to a store on a Sunday to buy some necessary items. It would also be a plus if they could realize that it's ok to eat outside of the alotted "Spanish meal times;" eat when you're hungry, it will not kill anyone! The customer service and level of efficiency of services is sub par in Spain simply because they just do not care. They have this "no pasa nada" attitude that will never change, but at some point there has to be a sense of urgency! These are only a few things that I wish I could "fuse" about the two countries, but again I know that this will only ever be a dream in my ideal world.  Because in the end, Americans will always be greedy and wasteful, and Spaniards will always be careless and ridiculously routine; but I love them both the same and I will continue to dream of my Fusion!

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