
"In the world through which I travel, I am endlessly creating myself." -Anonymous

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nos Vamos ya!

Yesterday was a good day.  I woke up extra early to go get my residency card from the police station.  I ended up getting an unexpected day off from school.  So I went home to get my puppy, Chulo, and decided to explore a bit.  I went to Casa del Libro, a big bookstore in the city center.  I bought to interesting Spanish books; Como Agua para Chocolate y El Sombra y el Amor (or something like that).  I am only reading spanish novels this year.  I hopped on the metro and went to the Retiro exit, where the famous Parque del Retiro is located.  The park is huge and beautifully tranquil.  I walked around for a couple of hours with Chulo in my arms (as he cannot yet walk around outside); people seem to think he is a cat lol. 

As I walked around I heard various hissing and whistling, "Ay morenita!"  I have become accustomed to hearing this phrase, and actually find it quite comical.  All these men here are positive that I am Dominican, even the Dominican ones.  I haven't quite mastered how to turn someone down in Spanish, but something tells me I will have to learn that artform quickly.  To no surprise, I got lost trying to find my way back to the metro to head home from the park;  I think getting lost is good here.  I took at serious ciesta before I met a friend for running practice at 7:30.  This running club is truly like a God-send.  The people are great and diverse; and I am able to counteract my alcohol intake with the tough workouts.  I am nowhere near where I want to be in terms of fitness, but I plan to run at least one marathon this year.  After a tough workout, Jose Manuel suggests that next time we run near a bar, so that we can grab a drink in between laps.  In Spanish this was hilarious!  My friend and I had made plans to meet up with some other Fulbrighters at the usual Wednesday night spot, 100 Montaditos.  However,  Jose Miguel (*sidenote: everyone here is names Jose (something)) invites us to go get drinks as a team.  We inform his that we have no money on us, but true to Spanish form he says, "No pasa nada, vamos ya!"  When a Spaniard says let's go for a drink, it's not really an option, but rather an informative statement.  So off we go to some random cool bar, pretty far from where we were running.  We sit and talk with our new Spanish friends for a while; about life, travel, gf/bf, Spain....todo.  When talking/drinking with Spaniards, it is important to remember that you will lose track of time and be consumed in the hilarious conversation and the large drink in front of you; as we were. 

We somehow found our way back home eventually, and quickly showered to meet up with the rest of our group....2 hours late.  We drank and ate and talked some more....until I realized that I had to wake up at 6 this morning, and still had two activities to plan before bed. :-/ #fail  Oh well, tis' life, and a good one it is!

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