
"In the world through which I travel, I am endlessly creating myself." -Anonymous

Saturday, October 23, 2010

House Party!! Una Locura!

My roommates and I had decided to have a "Inaguracion de la Casa," AKA House Warming, on Friday night.  We have a pretty huge place, ideal for parties.  Luckily, I don't have to work on Fridays, so I sat around in my pjs most of the day.  My roommates informed me that we should expect about 60 people at the party and that people were bringing speakers and drums!  Drums?!! What?? Of course, my eclectic roommate thought it fit to invite her drummer friend for entertainment.  I knew immediately that I would have to prepare my mind and body for the night ahead.  I napped for a couple of hours, and around 7 we did a little cleaning up and went to the store to buy some goods for the fiesta.  We bought one bottle of alcohol, some beer, a few bags of chips, and some much needed household items; only 5 euros each! We told people to come around 10, assuming that no one would show up until about 11.  Between the four of us, 3 had invited at least 15 people, who would surely bring their own friends along.  The plan was to drink and party at the house, and then leave around 1 or 1:30 to go out. 

People began to arrive around 10:45, when I was still getting dressed and trying to quickly devour some cereal.  Chulo was being a little restless with all the commotion.  He was barking and wouldn't sit still.  Since he had already gone to the bathroom, I let him roam/run the house freely for a while.  People were so amused by him, and he was having a blast.  Soon the house filled to capacity, and the doorbell was ringing every ten mintues.  There were people in our house from around the globe; France, Italy, Slovenia, Brazil, Egypt, Ecuador, London, Belgium, Spain, and the US.  I don't know how my roommates and I manage to meet so many cool people in our short time in Madrid, but it made for a very fun crowd!  At the beginning I was busy making mojitos, running to get the door,and quickly meeting and introducing people.  My mojitos were on point, by the way! 

All night, I had the most amusing conversations with people; gay dogs; dirty south music; whores; hair; andmany other random things.  Most of these conversations took place under the influence, which made them even more amusing.  I think the Brazilians were my favorite crowd of the night, they were thoroughly entertaining.  While walking around, I noticed that a few people had drawings on the sides of their faces, and I was curious.  One of the Brazilian guys told me he was a tattoo artist; supposedly.  He asked me if I wanted to be "tattooed," and when I said sure he eagerly grabbed a marker and went to work on the side of my face.  I had no idea what he was drawing.  When I looked in the mirror I had three teardrops streaming down my face.  This was comical to me because in the states, we all know what teardrops mean....one tear drop for each person you've killed!!

The party began to get a little crazy (in good and bad ways) with all the people, and all the liquor.  People were spilling things all over the floor.  Someone broke one of our heaters, and it came off the wall.  I had put up no smoking signs, but I guess people just thought the rule did not apply to them; so a few people lit one up, but I quickly pushed them out to the balcony!  Then we realized that people had helped themselves to things in our fridge as well.  At this point, I was pretty tipsy, but too busy running around making sure there was not too much chaos.  Then the bell rings, and I run to the door thinking it is another one of our friends. Wrong! It was our neighbors, two of them! The older gentleman had a very stern look on his face as he peered past my front door, attempting to see what was going on.  In Spain, you technically cannot complain about noise until after 12am.  It was 12:01am.  He clearly could not wait another second to come knocking on the door.  He basically told me that this kind of event shout not occur ever, and that he could call the police and talk to the land lord....blah blah blah.  I understood, I suppose; but it was Friday night for God's sake, and it was only 12!  We calmly argued back and forth for about 20 minutes, when I decided to start slowly closing the door.  I was through listening to his babble, and my words were starting to slur.  I told him we would be out by 1.

Everyone was clearly having a blast at our house!  It was very hard to get people out, and no one had and afterparty plan.  By the time we all made it to the street it was 2am!  We took a taxi to Sol and walked aimlessly.  Our group of about 20 party-goers quickly turned into 5 of us, My roommate Tatiana and I, and our friends, 3 Spanish guys.  They promised us that we would have a great night.  We ended up at a club called Samsara, and as expected the club was just then filling up at 2:30am.  It was packed inside!  The club was pretty sweet, and we went straight to the bar to get our drinks that came with entrance.  The guys, who are THE bachelor crew of Madrid, told us that they had a plan to hook up with girls and we had to help them.  I feel bad for the poor girls that fall victim to their charm, but I must admit, they are good at what they do.  We let them go about their business of finding girls, and Tatiana and I danced and danced and danced.  We met some interesting characters along the way, (very sarcastic tone) who told us they were in love with us, and other foolery.  We went back and forth trying to save each other all night.  By the time we were ready to leave, the guys had disappeared (with their prey), and it was 6:15am!  I am starting to get used to this crazy Spanish night life.

A few conclusions after our house party: I will not throw another big party like that for a while; plastic cups save lives; hide your food or lock the fridge; I do not have patience to deal with a house full of drunk people on a regular basis; my French roommate is a bipolar, control freak, who worries about the dumbest stuff, and only wants to "tocarme los cojones!" (not a good thing)  I love my apartment here, and most of the time I love my roommates too, but when I return to the States I am definitely living SOLO!  And we had a damn good house party!

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