
"In the world through which I travel, I am endlessly creating myself." -Anonymous

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Muchas Cosas Divertidas!

What a pleasant weekend I had!  My Fulbright amiga and I had been craving a big American brunch for a long time.  Usually I just eat cereal or nutella and bread for breakfast; I rarely have time for anything else anyway.  Here in Spain they are not very big on breakfast (more enfasis on lunch), but I love a big breakfast!  So, on Saturday Kate and I decided to cook brunch.  I went to her house with Chulo and we mde bacon, eggs, toast, and homemade hash browns. Very satisfying!  I felt stuffed after our big meal, and we decided that we would have to do this more often in order to satisfy our yearnings for a complete breakfast.  After our meal, we ventured across town to a little know secret that Kate had discovered; and American grocery store! I usually do not get these crazy cravings for American foods, but I sure had some!  I was completely blow away at the price of cereal, almost 9 euros a box, and oatmeal almost 7! No, no, no!  I looked around and only ened up buying a yankee candle, some relish (which does not exist in Spain), some cream of mushroom soup to cook with, and my favorite candy; Reese's Peanut Butter cups!! Oh, how I miss them!! I ate one before I could even set foot outside the store!

Sidenote: I think I have an obsession with grocery shopping/experimental cooking!  It's quite fun and addictive!  After we left the American store, we headed over to Lavapies, which is becoming one of my favorite spots for its diversity.  The intention there was to simply show our visiting friend around the area; but of course I had to indulge in gastronomic purchases.  I bought some natural mint leaves, some red curry paste, some Goya beans, some gandules, mango juice, and falafel.  Boy, am I going to be quite the chef when I return to the States! 

I went home only to drop off my purchases and my pooch; all of my roommates and I were going to a concert at the Tabacalera again.  One of my roommates' boyfriend had been here the whole week and he was D- Jaying at the spot.  This was the first time that all four of us roommates had been out at the same time; it was a great time! We got there early, around 7:30, and listened to Ivonna's bf spin records for a while.  I saw my African friend again, and he told me that they too were performing later.  Yay for reggae again! 

We ended up staying until the end of the last performance, around 11:30, enjoying the music and the rare total harmony between roommates.  Afterwards, we were starving, so our friends led us to a kebab joint around the corner that was delish!  I cleaned my plate so quickly, as if I hadn't eaten in days!  The night was young, and we all wanted to go out.  Again, the guys led us to some random bar where we all drank fro free.  We drank, and went to another bar closeby, where we drank for free again!  It pays to befriend the locals!  The second bar was more enjoyable, as there was a Halloween party going on and the music was danceable (if that is a word).  By the time we left the bar, I was a little bit "happy" and ready to go home.  We walked around aimlessly for a while looking for the night buses.  It was freezing, and it soon began to rain.  I grew irritable as my hair, clothes, and exposed feet were getting wet.  My umbrella had broken earlier that night.  Fail.  We managed to finally make it home and I went to sleep wet from the horrible rain, with the hope of waking up in the morning to go to the famous Rastro (like a flea market, only not as janky).

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