
"In the world through which I travel, I am endlessly creating myself." -Anonymous

Saturday, November 6, 2010

There is always a Spanish holiday!

So, I began writing this entry last week and I never finished.  This was last Sunday, and as I write it is )the nextnSaturday night.  I did actually wake up to go to the Rastro on Sunday, at 10, but then I fell back into a deep slumber and woke back up at 1:45 (so I thought).  Little did I know it was daylight savings time here, and time to turn back the clocks.  It was only 12:45pm, and I still had an hour left at the Rastro!! I threw on some clothes and ran out the door.  The streets were packed with people at the outdoor market.  I was by myself, against the crowd.  I knew exactly what I wanted and needed, and I wasted no time.  The fact that I am a self-proclaimed professional shopper did help my search.  I found a warm leather jacket, some high boots, and a watch in just under an hour...all for 60 euros!!  I was more than content when I got back on the metro to head home.

Despite all the planning and activities I had planned for my students for Halloween, I was not so in the spirit.  I usually love to dress up and partake in the foolery; however this year I felt like lounging around and just observing the foolery.  One of the other Fulbrighters was having a Halloween costume party at her house.  I really wanted to go and dress up, but mt costume search failed.  Despite my non-festive mood, I showed up late to the party and drank about a quarter bottle of red wine; good for the soul! I was very impressed with my friend's Halloween layout; candy corn, homemade candy and caramel apples, cookies, and carved apples dipped in wine (kind of creepy).  I actually felt bad for not dressing up.  All the red wine took its toll on me, and I once again decided to ditch the after party and head home.  There was no way I would walk home, but I had no clue where the night bus stop was.  After wandering around for about 15 minutes, trying to control my bladder, I finally found my bus.  To my surprise I saw a friend on the same bus, and we quickly realized that we had gotten on the right bus, wrong direction.  We passed our stops! We made it home, after an overextended bus ride around 3:30.

On Monday, another holiday we had off, I invited a  friend over for lunch. I made some very tasty fajitas, with a homemade sauce that I created.  We chatted for a while and then decided to walk the city for a while to help all the food digest.  We headed to Choclateria San Gines, where we would eat churros and a rich cup of chocolate.  No, not hot chocolate, but an intense blend of pure melted chocolate that would make your heart smile.  It was super crowded at this place, as expected.  We sat outside and Chulo found a friend to play with.  We devoured the plate of Churros and slurped up the Chocolate and then hit the streets again.  I had never been around these parts of the neighborhood, and I was seeing many new cool things.  There was this hidden marketplace where they sold a variety of fresh meat, fruits, and vegetables; and also gave samples.  We sampled!  Our journey continued as we leisurely walked around Plaza Mayor, enjoying the beautiful scenery and the talented street performers.  It was getting chilly outside so we went to a nearby cafe to get some tea; passion fruit tea, delicious.  Perfect, restful day off.

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